tirsdag 4. september 2007

One Hour Left

In one hour we will go to the airport. I think I have managed to remember everything. I have my passport. Not much else, just a backpack with a few items. I will get what I need in Thailand.

Luckily my dad made it, he will come with us! That made my day...

I'm excited now. But I'm a bit scared of flying... I hope I can keep myself from cracking up and make a scene. I'm sure I will cope.

Yeay! I'm outta here!

mandag 3. september 2007

Thoughts Before My Trip To Thailand

My dad got sick, and was admitted to the hospital yesterday. I've thought a lot about that. I was really looking forward to going on this trip with him. And he was excited about showing me a different world. I've talked to him today, and he is feeling better. Maybe he can go with me and my cousin on Wednesday. Or at least a few days later. I really hope so, it won't be the same without him...

I will take a lot of pictures while I'm in Thailand. Hopefully some good ones. I'm not sure if I'll bring my laptop. I want to. We'll see.

My brother and my cousin have been talking about this trip for weeks now, not much else. A lot of joking, of course. Hey, it's Pattaya... They were talking about having breakfast at "Pump Station" every morning. Well, I'm not going to. Not even if there was a "Pump Station" for girls.
They're also joking about getting me drunk, buying eight girls, placing them all in my bed and take pictures. For family gatherings. Well, that ain't happening either.

I think about all the beer I will drink. Yummie. And I will get massages. Lots. Will be good for my back.

lørdag 1. september 2007

Night Whispers

I can't sleep. Too much on my mind, and my back is aching, can't seem to find a comfortable position. I went downstairs just to discover cat poo on my laptop. Nice.
At least I'd gotten a nice e-mail.

I'm going to Thailand on Wednesday. I hope I don't have to use crutches! It's just typical...
I have a lot of thoughts about Thailand. I haven't really been much outside Scandinavia, only Germany, so this will be a whole new experience for me. Different culture. It will be warm, hot. I'm not so happy about heat.
I wish I could take Matthew with me, then we could be not so happy about the heat together. Unfortunately, someone seems to have misplaced my private jet somewhere, so I'm not able to go and pick him up.

I hope my back doesn't get any worse. I don't have to crawl on the floor like a maggot to get anywhere, at least not yet. I hope it doesn't come to that this time.

I miss my mom. I still begin to write her text messages, before I remember that she won't be able to receive them anymore. I have so much to tell her, but she can't hear me...
Sweet dreams, mom. I'm glad you don't suffer anymore. I think about you every day.

I can't wait to get away from here, it will do me good. It's been a rough year.

I wish I could sleep now, I can't. Hopefully I will soon.