torsdag 30. august 2007

Just Thinking...

I have a lot to think about these days. Good things and bad. I like thinking about the good things. The bad things I just try to ignore. But even though I'm ignoring the bad stuff it's still there. I can feel it. I don't eat, I can't sleep. Unease.

Luckily I have some things to look forward to. My trip to Thailand, my next cuddle with PG, my next chat with friends. Not necessarily in that order.

I think a lot about the past and the future. I know my past, and I'm excited by my future. Some of the stuff my future brings excites me more than others, of course.

PG and Nuski are here with me now, Nuski on top of me, and PG trying to be. Just two guys fighting for my love. Sweet. By the way, they're cats. I love them to death. Ab Imo Pectore.

15 minutes ago I was in the kitchen making myself something to eat. Then I got distracted, and forgot. I remember that now. I should go downstairs and finish my feeding. I don't wanna lose more weight.

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